Greenland Melting? Not so Fast, It’s Gaining Mass. So is Antarctica.

Greenland Ice Study

The treat of rising sea levels is link to land supported ice only, since floating fresh water ice has already displaced the sea water it floats on.

All of Greenland ice has the capacity to raise ocean levels 8 feet. But in reality the ice mass is at record level.  You have been lead to believe differently.  Here is the daily and seasonal change in Surface Mass Budget giga-tons (Billion Metric Tons)

The blue areas show recent zone of ice buildup:

The ice sheet is melting only along the westerly and northerly margin.






NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice

Sheet Greater than Losses

A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.

According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed   to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.


Map showing the rates of mass changes from ICESat 2003-2008 over Antarctica.
Sums are for all of Antarctica:
East Antarctica (EA, 2-17); interior West Antarctica (WA2, 1, 18, 19, and 23); coastal West Antarctica (WA1, 20-21); and the Antarctic Peninsula (24-27).
A gigaton (Gt) corresponds to a billion metric tons, or 1.1 billion U.S. tons.
—-Credits: Jay Zwally/ Journal of Glaciology



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FEMA’s Dilemma – Renewal of the Expired National Flood Insurance Program

Flood Insurance is at a critical point in its legal life, having reached the expiration of the National Flood Insurance Program.  It bears many policy similarities to the complexity of “Repeal and Replace” for Obamacare.

Obamacare spread the “mandate” for universal coverage, using tax penalties to force compliance, and onerous taxes on employers to provide an extension of Medicaid to large numbers of vulnerable groups, unable to carry the financial costs of the medical care they require.  The one difference is that Obamacare had no expiration built in.  Flood Insurance authorization by Congress is due to expire in September 2017.

The newly burdened classes for health care, both young employees with low risk as well as employers forced to offer them coverage and to subsidize it, have pushed back through a political process. The promise to “Repeal and Replace” has failed in the first half of 2017, and in failing, the political wreckage has backed-up many other vital legislative tasks, including expiration replacement of the National Flood Insurance Program.

One approach, dubbed Senate Bill 1313 [ pdf ] is to simply renew and keep the same policies in place for 10 more years.  This approach will continue to overcharge coastal owners by over-stating the actual hazard, thus producing a funding source to re-pay Congress for the $60 Billion FEMA bailout.     Click Here for Bill Details

The other approach, proposed by States with a much bigger coastal exposure, like Mass., New Jersey, Florida and Louisiana proposes significant reforms [ S.1368 ] .  This resets the program to more realistic levels of coverage in relation to costs.  It bails out the bail out victims.  Click Here for Details

At the beginning of the 2017/2018 Fiscal Year, there is a plethora of bills before Congress.

Listing of Pending Legislation

7/3/2017 NEWS  –  Committees Advance 5 Bills to the Floor:

“Lawmakers unanimously approved two American Bankers Association-supported bills: H.R. 2875, the National Flood Insurance Program Administrative Reform Act of 2017, which would make administrative changes to the NFIP to increase fairness and accuracy, and decrease taxpayer risk; and H.R. 1422, the Flood Insurance Market Parity and Modernization Act, which would encourage development of a robust private flood insurance market as an alternative to the NFIP. The committee also approved by a voice vote H.R. 1558, a bill introduced by Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.) to amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 to ensure community accountability for areas repeatedly damaged by floods.”

“Additionally, the committee passed two bills introduced by Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.), H.R. 2264 and H.R. 2565, both of which ABA strongly supported. H.R. 2264, the Taxpayer Exposure Mitigation Act of 2017, would enable the NFIP to engage in private-sector risk transfer deals and would allow the development of private or community flood maps as an alternative to NFIP’s outdated maps. H.R. 2565 would require the NFIP to study how it uses replacement costs in setting premiums.”

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You parked the trains where?


NJ Transit head James Weinstein said at a US Senate commerce sub-committee hearing on the storm’s impact:

“Based on the information that we had … there was a likelihood in the 80 to 90 percent range that no flooding would happen there,” he said. “And that combined with the history that the Meadowlands [Kearney] … has never flooded in the history of our railroad led us to conclude that that was the appropriate place to put the equipment.”

Moral of the story:  Read the FEMA maps, or consult the weather service.


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Romeo, the amorous 400 lb. alligator, killed in 3am meeting with lady driver and baby

Romeo, the Alligator, on a happier day.

One of Largo, Florida’s most beguiling batchelors, Romeo the Alligator, died in a gunfight the other night.  While attempting to cross the highway between the Taylor Park and Pine Crest Gold Course, a lady driver with an infant in the car (at 2:45 am?) rolled over and onto Romeo, leaving her wheels spinning in the air.

Romeo enjoys sunbathing by day and night-time adventure at the golf course.

Romeo’s normal venue for romance was pictured at

Very ironically, the Earth Ocean Sky Redux Engagement Calendar for this very week of Romeo’s death in 2102 features the linked photo by Earth Image of Romeo’s home ground.


According to the Tampa Bay Times:

Largo Fire Rescue officials say they’ve gotten calls before to move alligators from nearby Taylor Lake — but never for one this big.

“We thought it was 3 to 5 feet,” said firefighter Doug Dalton, who was in charge of the scene. “But this thing was huge. It was like, ‘Okay, everybody better take a step back.’ “

The incident took place around 2:45 a.m. A woman was driving east near the 1100 block of Eighth Avenue with her infant daughter when she saw something dart into the road ahead of her. The driver, who was not identified by police, rolled over the obstruction — and got stuck.

Then the woman got out and saw what she had run over. The gator’s snout could be seen under the passenger side. It was completely trapped beneath the car.

“There was no way of getting him out without lifting the car,” Dalton said. They called in trappers who wrapped the gator’s snout closed and roped its neck. It took two hours to free it, and three trappers to lift it up.

“It wasn’t fighting at first,” Dalton said. “But when we got it out, that’s when it started.”

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Cos Cob Power Plant Park takes shape -But where’s the erosion and sedimentation control?

Site conversion of the coal-fired railroad power plant to a Town of Greenwich CT Park with playfields and shoreline walk amenities was back before Planning and Zoning on Tuesday March 21, 2012 for review.

The Commission asked the Town’s Engineer to explain the protection offered for erosion and pollution impacting the harbor and neighboring properties.  The Engineer assured the Commissioners and the Town that all was proceeding according to the approved plan with adequate protection.

How many Best Management Practices for the prevention of erosion and stormwater pollution can you spot in today’s photos of the developing park?  The rules for a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) change and become more rigorous when more than one acre of land is disturbed with soil exposed to the erosive effects of wind, rain and tides.  How much unprotected land to you see in photos taken the day after the hearing?  (Click any photo to zoom in.)

The Wetlands Agency will offer a Town Hall seminar on this subject March 29th.  Should DPW attend?  Our prior posting and site plan document on this subject is here.

Overview of the Park?

Lots of bars on the cell phones here

Dust devils on a calm day?

Erosion control laws strictly limit the total area of exposed disturbed soul at any given time in the project. What happened here? Where is the erosion control? What if we have a big spring storm?

Update 3/23/2012- the inside dirty story